Saturday 8 February 2014

social media training for children?

I thought this might be of interest to #ESMC students, especially now that you've completed the course!

Gov. Chris Christie Addresses The Fort Lee George Washington Bridge Scandal

Should Kids be Offered Social Media Training?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie received a proposed bill from lawmakers that would make social media training part of their school experience. The instruction would be targeted for students in grades 6 through 8, and it would focus on teaching kids how to use social media responsibly.

Friday 31 January 2014

Module 7: Metrics

Module 7Metrics and Analytics

  • Send @JessL and @erikasmith a tweet with your thoughts on A. Kaushik’s article on or before February 2
  • What do you think of examples of Pinterest? Who do you follow on Pinterest? Can you share with us a board of an NGO or Non-Profit that exemplifies good use of Pinterest? Post your thoughts to the class blog or on Twitter on or before February 5
  • Assignment D - Social Media Plan: Facebook Page (Part 2) due via eClass by February 7

Module 6:Optimised News Release

Module 6
Business & Social Media Communications

  • Assignment C - Optimised News Release (group activity and presentation completed in class) January 30    

Module 5: Facebook

Module 5

  • Assignment D - (Draft) Social Media Plan: Facebook Page (Part 1) creation and in-class presentation (in class January 30/31)

Module 4: Blogging Part 2

Module 4
Blogging Part 2

  • Add a comment to Module 4’s blog post with your response to Clark’s article.     
  • Go back to Module 3’s blog post and look in the comments to find a fellow student’s blog. Read her/his introductory blog post and leave a comment.
  • Send a tweet to @JessL and @erikasmith (with the course hashtag #ESMC) with a comment & link to a fellow student’s blog.
  • Practise what you read in Brian Clark’s article and craft an opening to a blog post (on your own blog). Leave a link to your blog post in the comments section for Week 4.                                                                                
You can add a link to your blog in the comments section of this blog post.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Optimised News Release Activity

You can find the assignment here.

Please read the Edelman position paper available here and via our e-class in Module 7 or right here in our blog:

Search Engine Visibility

Module 3: Social Media Survey

Two important things to do this week! Please complete the following survey AND ·       Start your own blog! Add a comment at the bottom of this post with a link to your blog.

The Twitter Guidebook

This is THE guidebook to read, review and use. It gives great hints and tips on how to personalise our twitter accounts as well as more advance settings.

You can find Mashable's Twitter Guidebook here.

In Class Tweeting and Reading Activity

This is the article that we are going to read and then tweet about.

The Art of the Tweet

In writing an article, I know I’m done when I delete. The process leading to done is chaotic; it’s days, weeks, or months of aggregating writing where I collect and organize paragraphs and sentences. Over time, content creation becomes content shaping as I organize the thoughts into a pleasing coherence.

Module 3: Activities

Remember: Please tag all class-related tweets with our class hashtag; #ESMC

Module 3
Blogging Part 1


Monday 27 January 2014

#Hashtag Activity

You can find the rubric for the assignment here.

Remember too to include references to what you've read leading up to this face-to-face session. Just below this video is the list of readings you did for this module.

Readings / Resources

Finding Electronic Articles from U of A Extension on Vimeo.

1.WeblinkKuta, H. (n.d.). Exploring the Pros and Cons of Twitter in Real-Time Events. Retrieved from
2.Weblink:Commoncraft. (n.d). Twitter Search in Plain English. (Video file). Retrieved from
3.Weblink:Bruns, A., & Stieglitz, S. (2012). Quantitative approaches to comparing communication patterns on twitter. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 30(3-4), 160-185. doi:
(you might find it easier to just search the university library for the title of this article)
4.Weblink:Doctor, V. (2013). How to ride on already popular hashtags without turning people off. Retrieved from

Tuesday 21 January 2014

A Twitter List for our Class

Welcome everyone! Glad to see some of you are already using Twitter.

I've created a list with all our students so we can all keep up easily with each other. If you're not yet on the list, let me know and I'll add you.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Create a Twitter and Facebook Account


Create a Twitter and Facebook Account.

In preparation for this course, please be sure to have a Twitter and a Facebook account ready for use in this class. Both of these key social media platforms will be used heavily throughout this course and will help you create and craft your online presence.

• Note: For Facebook and Twitter, if you already have a personal profile, that is great, but rest

assured the instructors value your privacy and will not attempt to friend or follow you at your

personal account (other than by the use of hashtags). Rather, having a Facebook and Twitter

account will enable you to participate in several communications activities. You are free to create

a new account/page for the purposes of the course that is separate from your personal and

existing Facebook and/or Twitter accounts. As with other tools in the class, you will be free to

delete them once assignments have been marked and the course is completed. If you have any

questions, please contact the instructors in advance of the course start date: Jessica Laccetti,

PhD and Erika Smith, PhD Candidate