Friday 31 January 2014

Module 4: Blogging Part 2

Module 4
Blogging Part 2

  • Add a comment to Module 4’s blog post with your response to Clark’s article.     
  • Go back to Module 3’s blog post and look in the comments to find a fellow student’s blog. Read her/his introductory blog post and leave a comment.
  • Send a tweet to @JessL and @erikasmith (with the course hashtag #ESMC) with a comment & link to a fellow student’s blog.
  • Practise what you read in Brian Clark’s article and craft an opening to a blog post (on your own blog). Leave a link to your blog post in the comments section for Week 4.                                                                                
You can add a link to your blog in the comments section of this blog post.


  1. My movie recommendation for today: 'Happy-Go-Lucky' on my new blog. … @JessL @erikasmith #ESMC


  3. I probably will continue this blog even after the class end :)

  4. I think my blog post is a 'one hit wonder' - people will wonder what Im talking about - random ramblings, but maybe someone will find the content entertaining or useful!!

    I dont think I will continue the blog after the class ends!! - Unless I build an audience!!

    Clark offers some really practical advise and as a first-time blogger, I found the tips really quite useful. Not ground breaking, but sensible!

  5. I'm not surprised "copywriter Eugene Schwartz often spent an entire week on the first 50 words of a sales piece…". In this world of words, it takes time to craft something worth taking the time to read. Not everyone is a born writer, but we do all have a story to tell. I found Clark's article practical and helpful.

  6. I decided to merge a couple of the Module 4 activities in this one post! That is my comments on Clark's article, posting my blog post, and writing my blog post using Clark's practical advice!

    My blog embodies my love of travelling - specifically short weekend breaks to cities. At the minute I don't think I have the time to maintain this blog on an ongoing basis, but it is definitely something I would like to revisit in the future.

    Clark's article was excellent in helping me craft (what I hope to be) an opening couple of paragraphs to pull the reader in and capture their attention. The five simple steps outlined in his article made me think about the tone of my post and how I wanted to 'speak' to the reader. I also liked the way his ending required the reader to go back to his opening - very clever! His posing question at the end also helped me study his points by trying to figure out which tip he had omitted to use.

    After reading his article, and thinking about his tips, I rewrote my first blog post: Hope you enjoy it!

  7. My first blog post was mostly an exercise in technical application and although the content is original, from a website that I developed for a client a few years ago, it is not really a blog. As a result, please read the second post on the same site that hopefully reflects content as a blogger (P.S. I have actually seen the word 'bloggist' used!).

    Please visit

    As a blogging neophyte, I was inspired by the content of Clark's article. It really helped me craft something that not only reflected what I should do, but demonstrated the benefits of tight editing skills and crafting meaningful content. In other words, all words, sentences and paragraphs are on trial for their lives!

    1. Wow Louise you paint a beautiful picture of Mango Bay in your blog... Bliss! :-)

    2. Thanks Fiona! Good job on your New Girl in YEG ;-) Don't fret, I can assure you that Edmonton will grow on you, as will the Oilers, the Rocky Mountains and the Farmers' might even find yourself a white sandy beach on Pigeon Lake (believe it or not called Ma-me-o beach!) where you too can sip mai-tais and pina coladas!

    3. Thanks Louise, I love Edmonton! Maybe I should keep the blog going - there are so many positive things about Edmonton that newcomers should know about! I love how 'the Oilers' spark conversation! Edmontonians are a friendly bunch and Edmonton is one of the most welcoming places I have ever been!

      We went to Ma-me-o beach last Canada day!! Loved it - O the warm temperatures and sunshine will soon be here again soon! However, Mango Bay is now on my wish list!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. think Clark makes some valid suggestions in drawing a reader into a blog post - after all, online readers have limited attention spans and as tempting as it is to make your post about you, it's so important for the reader to be involved so it's a shared experience. I write creative non-fiction and I think that a blog would be a great venue for me, just to write those shorter stories. I found Clark's suggestion of sharing a quote or familiar saying very helpful. So I tied in the old adage "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" with my first experience of go-karting to tap into the shared intimidation of trying something new and completely different. Like Louise, I definitely saw the value in creating meaningful and focused content. What also caught my attention was linking the close to the open, so I kept that in mind as I wrapped up my post.

    My blog post can be found at:

  10. After reading Clark's article, I revisited my blog and reworked a little. Hope you like it - short and sweet and only intended to entertain a little: :-)

  11. Clark offers very practical tips for bloggers. I liked how the article focused on the opening only, as it is very important, especially if you visit a blog for the first time. I’m not planning to continue the blog I started in this class, but if I ever do, this would be a useful article to review again.

  12. The US International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is a federation of US-based NGOs, federal agencies and individuals committed to advocacy and action on behalf of the global disability rights agenda.

    The board is filled with infographics, disability advocacy content and organizations to contact in addition to a small library of relevant children's books, etc. What a great network of content and contacts.

    Another great Pinterest example falls under the category of hashtag PSA campaign #NoMoreexcuses. It is a campaign to raise awareness surrounding domestic violence in the form of a series of pins using celebrity endorsement, powerful quotes and shocking statistics. It was organized by actress Mariska Hargitay of Law & Order and sponsored by the Joyful Heart Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundations. Informative, powerful, well presented, outstanding CALL-TO-ACTION.

  13. Larissa aka TangoLara6 February 2014 at 10:05

    Hello everyone - feel free to read and comment on my blog post at I will probably keep up with this because it's a way I can capture my rapture and frustration at learning Argentine tango, one of the most challenging things I've done. It's a hobby that also taps into my professional interest adult art education. Eventually I will join the community of tango bloggers out there, and when I'm done saying what I have to say, I'll have nice collection of essays to refer to in my old age:)

  14. I have created my own blog, but it is just new and doesn't have much information on it yet. It is located at:

    I have created the beginnings of a facebook page ( for our home business, Merrie Berrie Inc. (listed as Merrieberrie Inc.).

    This is only a draft for class purposes, I will re-load much of the information on the home website ( over the next few weeks.

    I am working with a website designer to update our website in preparation for this year's upick berry season. The company is called Merrie Berrie Inc., but the farm is called The Berry Farm at Christie's Corners. We have honeyberries (like a blueberry), black, yellow and red raspberries, saskatoons, red/white/black currants, 5 kinds of cherries. We are organic, but are not certified. Because my husband and I still work full-time, we are only open on weekends, usually starting July 31st weekend into August.

    We do sell some berry plants in May, mostly strawberries, but it's best to email first as we have been phasing this part of our business down.

    Hope you like the blog and Facebook page. I am absolutely brand new to social media.... It will get better. Cheers. Jackie.
